Bennett turned six months on Monday, so we "officially" started him on cereal and baby food. Can I just tell you how this kid is the exact opposite of his brother? Wil devoured everything I put in from of him (including prunes) and couldn't get enough. Bennett is going to be one of those kids that has to try the same thing 12 times before he decides whether he likes it. The first day he was somewhat open to the strange and mushy substance being stuck to the roof of his mouth. Every day since then his lips have clamped shut before I even get the spoon near him and if I happen to get the tiniest morsel into his mouth he sticks his tongue out and coughs until it all falls out. What a stinker! I keep telling him that this is people food and it's way better than anything he's getting now. I even tasted the sweet potatoes and pears myself to make sure I wasn't lying to the poor child! The funniest part is that I have been sneaking him cheerios and crackers for a few weeks and believe me, he knows the difference. When I come near him with those little oat circles his little mouth pops open like and automatic trunk! Crazy, no? His doctor says he may just not be ready for it yet, but I am determined to figure out something he might like! Anyone have any suggestions or stories?
I don't understand this phenomenon. Every time Ben goes away on a business trip all heck breaks loose. Last year Wil was so sick he came back from California early. Remember the Wil. vs. fireplace incident? Also when Ben was gone. This time was no different. This was the first time both of my boys were sick at the same time. Wilson did not leave the house for an entire week, literally. There were fevers, puking, coughing fits, loss of appetite and a feeling of overall yuckiness, for the whole time Ben was gone. It sucked. I almost didn't make it through, not even kidding. But, I know I was blessed to have a little more patience and it was actually nice not to have to go anywhere! I am just glad the boys are healthy again. Unfortunately its Ben and my turn to be sick. Lame. Spring, where are you?