Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Line 'Em Up

Lately Wilson's new favorite thing to do is to line everything up. Chairs, pots, letters, boxes, you name it and we've lined it up. It makes me a little worried, but the only thing I've ever read about children lining things up is that it's a sign of potty training readiness, but I know that's not right! It's pretty hilarious though. Everything is daddy or mommy or Wilson or Bennett sized. Every family member has to have a pot or box or chair assigned to them. At least he's good at inclusion. My sister, Carina, my neice, Janae, and my baby nephew, Seth, all have lawn chair assignments on the back porch. He likes to spread the love. Let me know if I should be worried, if not I just hope he never takes my mommy-sized stuff out of the line up!

1 comment:

Heidi #1 said...

I totally laughed out loud when I saw the pictures of Wil in this post. What a brilliant kid. He reminds me a lot of Noah when he was his age. Now Noah is the best student in his class and his teacher wants to take him home and eat him for dinner...so there you go! Wil has such a bright future, and it is mostly due to the genious mother he has, and not to her level of organization! Although he is showing signs of being very organized.